trucolorsfly: all planted
trucolorsfly: the garden
trucolorsfly: marigolds and rosemary
trucolorsfly: it was time to review our cable subscription, anyway
trucolorsfly: 090514-athome
trucolorsfly: zinnias out front
trucolorsfly: zinnia bud
trucolorsfly: rabbit foot fern
trucolorsfly: petunias
trucolorsfly: moonflower
trucolorsfly: moonflower
trucolorsfly: morningglories
trucolorsfly: some bean of some kind
trucolorsfly: sunflowers by the back fence
trucolorsfly: Garden from the southwest side
trucolorsfly: garden from the northeast side
trucolorsfly: potatoes I think
trucolorsfly: marigolds
trucolorsfly: Miss 3's sunflower
trucolorsfly: Miss 6's sunflower
trucolorsfly: pumpkins
trucolorsfly: carrots neatly in a row
trucolorsfly: lettuce (and peppers in between)
trucolorsfly: cosmos
trucolorsfly: impatiens
trucolorsfly: impatiens
trucolorsfly: clematis