trucolorsfly: winging my way to boston
trucolorsfly: winging my way to boston
trucolorsfly: what the hell is xerox trying to sell us??
trucolorsfly: Xerox is selling what, exactly?
trucolorsfly: my small group's whiteboard from this morning
trucolorsfly: divinity school buildings
trucolorsfly: divinity school corridor
trucolorsfly: Radcliffe ctr for ... uh.
trucolorsfly: dead presidents, and not the kind you can buy crack with
trucolorsfly: memorial hall from afar
trucolorsfly: science center
trucolorsfly: fountain outside of science center
trucolorsfly: fountain outside Harvard Science center
trucolorsfly: memorial church?
trucolorsfly: metaphoto
trucolorsfly: this photo makes me happy
trucolorsfly: non-john harvard's lucky foot
trucolorsfly: Declan
trucolorsfly: the apocryphal face-down book story
trucolorsfly: for kgs
trucolorsfly: SRSLY, WTF??
trucolorsfly: thunderous sky over harvard
trucolorsfly: the nicest part of currier house
trucolorsfly: Bowtie Dave ties one on
trucolorsfly: the ceremonical bib tying
trucolorsfly: help us help us
trucolorsfly: so. much. slaughter.
trucolorsfly: stop looking at me like that. rly.
trucolorsfly: even the lobsters drink Sam Adams in Boston