Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S
Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S
Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S
Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S
Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S
Truck Exposure:
Ferndale Ready Mix Kenworth T880S | Headlight
Truck Exposure:
Milky Way Inc 1956 Kenworth CG-921-C
Truck Exposure:
Milky Way Inc 1956 Kenworth CG-921-C
Truck Exposure:
Milky Way Inc 1956 Kenworth CG-921-C
Truck Exposure:
Whatcom Builders Peterbilt 365 and Maleng & Son Trucking Kenworth T800
Truck Exposure:
Maleng & Son Trucking Kenworth T800
Truck Exposure:
Maleng & Son Trucking Kenworth T800
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900 & Van Boven Topsoil W900B
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900
Truck Exposure:
DeKriek Kenworth LW-900
Truck Exposure:
Van Boven Topsoil Kenworth W900B
Truck Exposure:
Van Boven Topsoil Kenworth W900B
Truck Exposure:
Pat Ruble Trucking Kenworth T800H
Truck Exposure:
Pat Ruble Trucking Kenworth T800H
Truck Exposure:
Truck Exposure:
D Addleman Trucking Peterbilt 379
Truck Exposure:
Vandyk & Son Kenworth W900B
Truck Exposure:
Vandyk & Son Kenworth W900B
Truck Exposure:
Eastwood Trucking Kenworth T800
Truck Exposure:
Rob Graham Trucking Peterbilt 379
Truck Exposure:
Rob Graham Trucking Peterbilt 379
Truck Exposure:
Frank Harkness Trucking & Logging Kenworth T800 and Rob Graham Trucking Peterbilt 379