trrpngirl: Caramel and her ewe lamb at the feeder.
trrpngirl: The flock mingles in the barnyard
trrpngirl: Nina and her ram lamb, Art.
trrpngirl: Escort Service
trrpngirl: Anisette with twins
trrpngirl: Flock Nap
trrpngirl: Arabica watches her mother eat.
trrpngirl: Nina always keeps a close eye on her lamb.
trrpngirl: The Flock
trrpngirl: Relaxing in the sun
trrpngirl: Ale catches air!
trrpngirl: Nina nursing lamb
trrpngirl: Nina's ram lamb, just a few minutes old.
trrpngirl: Lambs ready for their closeup
trrpngirl: Art Blakey
trrpngirl: Ascot
trrpngirl: Apron
trrpngirl: Attaboy
trrpngirl: Aster
trrpngirl: Azalea
trrpngirl: Astro
trrpngirl: Arabica
trrpngirl: Almond
trrpngirl: Ale
trrpngirl: Absinthe