Troy McClure SF: Mr. De Mille?
Troy McClure SF: Game on!
Troy McClure SF: It is after noon…
Troy McClure SF: San Fierro
Troy McClure SF: L&O: SVN
Troy McClure SF: The City
Troy McClure SF: Careful…
Troy McClure SF: Not me
Troy McClure SF: OK, who else took this picture?
Troy McClure SF: It's a farking streetlight.
Troy McClure SF: Making Lemonade
Troy McClure SF: The more you know…
Troy McClure SF: Baby if you wanna get low, baby if you wanna get high
Troy McClure SF: Nice hat.
Troy McClure SF: Here comes trouble
Troy McClure SF: Physics for babies
Troy McClure SF: -Jimmy Dugan
Troy McClure SF: Too many options, to many options!
Troy McClure SF: Going, going, back, back
Troy McClure SF: About to save Earth from an asteroid
Troy McClure SF: Go Beers
Troy McClure SF: Useless for killing demons
Troy McClure SF: 104 Channels of Death via Satellite
Troy McClure SF: I hate these trees.
Troy McClure SF: Damnable landfill
Troy McClure SF: Too many Pokemons