Cambrai's town hall | L'hôtel de ville de Cambrai
Andy Raymond Schleck, white jersey best young rider, fan favorite (update: he might be the winner! UCI: Contador suspended for steroid)
Andy Raymond Schleck, white jersey best young rider, fan favorite
Alessandro Petacchi, green jersey winner, best sprinter
George Hincapie, captain america
the Manx Missile, Mark Cavendish
Robbie McEwen, with a friend
Sylvain Chavanel, super combativity award and the future of french cycling (?)
Thor Hushovd, badass
the lead-out approach the Champs-Élysées stage in the Tour de France
Cadel Evans with the bothers Schleck
Cadel Evans
Pierre Rolland
Samuel Sánchez González
Mark Cavendish
Mark Cavendish
Mark Cavendish
beer can island