troy david johnston: Christchurch Gate, Buttermarket DSC0319 1290x2050
troy david johnston: Christchurch Gate, Buttermarket DSC0322 2030x1350
troy david johnston: Canterbury Cathedral DSC0461 1200x1900
troy david johnston: interior, Canterbury Catherdral DSC0351 1340x2000
troy david johnston: Vaulted ceiling, Belltower DSC0378 2030x1450
troy david johnston: Vaulted ceiling, Belltower DSC0383 2000x1440
troy david johnston: Choir and Prebytery, Canterbury Cathedral, England DSC0452
troy david johnston: Presbytery altar, Canterbury Cathedral, England DSC0450
troy david johnston: Presbytery altar, Canterbury Cathedral DSC0406
troy david johnston: Christmas Tree DSC0429 1140x1840
troy david johnston: stained glass window DSC0421 682x1024
troy david johnston: stained glass window DSC0424 684x1024
troy david johnston: crest, Sharp DSC0523 760x1170
troy david johnston: crest, Morton Temple DSC0519 1060x1600
troy david johnston: crest, Chicheley DSC0520 804x1250
troy david johnston: Chapter House DSC0506 958x1450
troy david johnston: Canterbury Cathedral DSC0326 1840x1200
troy david johnston: Nativity, Canterbury Cathedral DSC0472 1840x1150
troy david johnston: Cathedral behind the wall DSC0483 2030x1330
troy david johnston: Quenin Gate DSC0478 1400x820
troy david johnston: Alleyway DSC0489 1800x1240
troy david johnston: Buildings and Gardens DSC0497 2000x1050
troy david johnston: Arched Walkway DSC0529 850x1220
troy david johnston: Æthelberht and Bertha of Kent DSC0557 1300x2000
troy david johnston: Æthelberht, King of Kent DSC0563 1160x1810
troy david johnston: St Augustine's Gate DSC0566 2000x1270
troy david johnston: Sun Street, Canterbury DSC0586 1380x2000
troy david johnston: Children's Labyrinth DSC0269 1800x1040
troy david johnston: Dane John Public Park DSC0311 1800x1060
troy david johnston: South Africa Memorial DSC0301 1270x2000