troy david johnston: Coffee time DSC0045 1060x1400
troy david johnston: Sunbathing DSC0023 1550x1170
troy david johnston: Excuse me, Mr Politsei DSC0052 1080x1660
troy david johnston: Leading the Parade DSC0069 1150x1650
troy david johnston: Veterans DSC0085 2220x1460
troy david johnston: Traditional Dress DSC0100 1290x1880
troy david johnston: Sousaphone, Kaitseväe Orkester DSC0111 850x1270
troy david johnston: Rahvatantsurühm Koidupuna DSC0114 1820x1190
troy david johnston: Tallinn Balloons DSC0127 1740x1060
troy david johnston: Singing Girls DSC0136 2020x1260
troy david johnston: Girls DSC0162 2200x1520
troy david johnston: Embroidery DSC0174 1030x1620
troy david johnston: Singing DSC0181 1020x640
troy david johnston: Conducting, Kammerkoor Studium Vocale DSC0196 1020x700
troy david johnston: Flag bearer DSC0210 2400x1500
troy david johnston: Lads DSC0214 1930x1480
troy david johnston: Portrait DSC0256 1530x1000
troy david johnston: Warrior DSC0239 1000x1470
troy david johnston: Tradition meets Technology DSC0247 1500x1000
troy david johnston: Embroidered hats DSC0249 1850x1450
troy david johnston: That's what you call a cloak DSC0259 1600x2040
troy david johnston: Portrait DSC0282 700x1000
troy david johnston: Singing Patriot DSC0265 1150x1980
troy david johnston: Trombones DSC0291 1020x610
troy david johnston: Portrait DSC0277 750x1020
troy david johnston: Portrait DSC0301 1120x1600
troy david johnston: Flowers in her hair DSC0273 1100x1620
troy david johnston: Flowers in her hair DSC0322 880x1350
troy david johnston: Portrait DSC0314 720x1020
troy david johnston: Boy and a flag DSC0377 1750x1460