troutwerks: sleepy pups...
troutwerks: feets
troutwerks: napping
troutwerks: Ripley and B
troutwerks: Charlie
troutwerks: Little Rip....
troutwerks: pile o' pups
troutwerks: grrrrrrrrrr!!
troutwerks: sleepy pups
troutwerks: puppy love
troutwerks: puppadawg tail (Rip's)
troutwerks: running fast
troutwerks: my guys
troutwerks: as the crow flies....
troutwerks: quiet time
troutwerks: the face off....
troutwerks: running!
troutwerks: "let's push him in!"
troutwerks: woofies
troutwerks: Ripley-maus
troutwerks: sleepiness
troutwerks: Ripley at 5 months
troutwerks: My Rip-maus!
troutwerks: Ripley is 6 months old!!
troutwerks: Rip and me
troutwerks: Ripley and me
troutwerks: running dog
troutwerks: Sunday in the park
troutwerks: I wanna go running now.
troutwerks: An oyster shooter, please?