troutfactory: shotengai hoe-down
troutfactory: street glow
troutfactory: balloon parade
troutfactory: encounter at the crossing
troutfactory: the kids are alright
troutfactory: skysmile
troutfactory: camp curry café
troutfactory: prizes
troutfactory: only the gods remain
troutfactory: dream danjiri (the seventh voyage)
troutfactory: castle guardian
troutfactory: the night king
troutfactory: pants control
troutfactory: the flute player
troutfactory: night boat, street drifter
troutfactory: the lanterns ride
troutfactory: dancing with daiwa
troutfactory: castle and pine
troutfactory: the kids are alright
troutfactory: danjiri, at rest
troutfactory: danjiri down
troutfactory: preparing to corner
troutfactory: cornering with crowds
troutfactory: quickly down the main street
troutfactory: the future of 3D
troutfactory: night mood
troutfactory: "Help me! I'm stuck inside this danjiri!"
troutfactory: 中町
troutfactory: lantern music
troutfactory: the navigator