troutfactory: 玉神輿
troutfactory: spectators
troutfactory: megaphonic
troutfactory: 神輿 (1)
troutfactory: 神輿 (2)
troutfactory: 神輿 (6)
troutfactory: 神輿 (5)
troutfactory: 神輿 (4)
troutfactory: 神輿 (3)
troutfactory: the tengu
troutfactory: he rides forth in calm oblivion
troutfactory: flautists
troutfactory: alien pipe crew
troutfactory: mikoshi charge
troutfactory: the commander
troutfactory: 天神祭 (4)
troutfactory: the mysterious hands
troutfactory: 天神祭 (2)
troutfactory: 天神祭 (3)
troutfactory: 天神祭 (1)
troutfactory: diaphanous
troutfactory: the heat of the day
troutfactory: plum thirsty
troutfactory: 花傘 (flower umbrellas)
troutfactory: 花傘 (2)
troutfactory: 花傘 (1)
troutfactory: flower drummers
troutfactory: 天神祭 (5)
troutfactory: tenmangu elders