troutcolor: A blue sky start
troutcolor: Curious Hind
troutcolor: Luss From Beinn Rusig
troutcolor: Raven
troutcolor: Fox
troutcolor: Raven
troutcolor: Creag an Leinibh
troutcolor: Looking down on Luss Water
troutcolor: Ben Lomond
troutcolor: Zen Hoop
troutcolor: Firth of Clyde
troutcolor: Glen Finlas and the reservoir
troutcolor: Fox print?
troutcolor: milkwort
troutcolor: Larks nest
troutcolor: Lark's egg shells
troutcolor: Bog Cotton
troutcolor: reservoir
troutcolor: Cuckoo Flower
troutcolor: moss
troutcolor: Rowan Tree
troutcolor: Small Heath
troutcolor: Water pipe
troutcolor: Hawthorn
troutcolor: Tree