troutcolor: Falloch River, frost
troutcolor: Path
troutcolor: Falloch
troutcolor: Bridge
troutcolor: Bridge
troutcolor: Fence Post
troutcolor: An Caisteal and Beinn Chroin from Grey Height
troutcolor: Grey Height
troutcolor: An Caisteal
troutcolor: Cruach Ardrain
troutcolor: path over Meall Dhamh
troutcolor: Meall Dhamh Path
troutcolor: Cruach Ardrain Ben More and Stob Binnien behind
troutcolor: Beinn Tulaichean
troutcolor: Beinn Tulaichean
troutcolor: Cruach Ardrain
troutcolor: from Beinn Tulaichean
troutcolor: Cruach Ardrain
troutcolor: Raven
troutcolor: Burn