trouble4dan: An afternoon nap!
trouble4dan: I love the spotlight!
trouble4dan: Just hangin' around!
trouble4dan: I love the attention!
trouble4dan: Eye of the Tiger
trouble4dan: I could fit your whole head in my mouth!
trouble4dan: Colourful little piggies!
trouble4dan: I remember you!
trouble4dan: It is kind of like sucking your thumb!
trouble4dan: Just a little closer...
trouble4dan: Feeding frenzy!
trouble4dan: Do you have any moisturizer???
trouble4dan: I spy with my little eye...
trouble4dan: Fenced in!
trouble4dan: Black & Yellow 1
trouble4dan: Black & Yellow 2
trouble4dan: Just another lazy day!
trouble4dan: I see you!
trouble4dan: Grazing...
trouble4dan: A watchful eye!
trouble4dan: Those children look tasty!
trouble4dan: A Zebra Limo?
trouble4dan: Is it lunch time yet?
trouble4dan: Baboon grooming school
trouble4dan: Wanna race???
trouble4dan: Content!
trouble4dan: What's he doing, what's he doing???
trouble4dan: So focused!
trouble4dan: Giraffe 1
trouble4dan: Giraffe 2