troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1204 troppo ladies sigfa 2013 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1209 mia fighting yellowfin tuna sigfa 2013 1t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1211 mia yellowfin 2t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1217 tracing mias yellowfin troppo t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1222 mias yellowfin coming aboard cr t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1224 mias yellowfin on the deck t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1225 mias extatic... yellowfin on deck 2 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1226 mias yellowfin 3 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1235 setting up mias yellowfin for pic 2 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1234 setting up pic for mias yellowfin t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1236 setting up pic of mias yellowfin 3 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1238 Mias yellowfin 2 BW 1 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1241 Mia yfin BW 3 Troppo
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1240 Mia yellowfin BW 2 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1248 FS T Mia and her Yellowfin
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1249 FS T Mia Weighing Her Yellowfin Tuna
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1246 Mia yfin weighin SIGFA 2013 2000 CR T
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1252 ladies day weighin 2000 T
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1206 ladies team and crew sigfa 2013 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1198 alan yellowfin sigfa 2013 cr t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1193 randy bull masi 1t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1190 alan masi masi sigfa 2013 4t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1184 alan masi masi sigfa 2013 2 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1175 randy masi 1 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1174 randy & alan t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1173 cr sigfa club house 2013t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1172 cr marina sigfa 2013 5t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1171 cr marina sigfa 2013 2 t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1169 marina sigfa 2013 4t
troppo fishing adventures: IMG_1166 marina sigfa 2013 2 t