tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: A white peacock showing off its plumage
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: White Peacock Close-up
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Colorfull Scarlet Macaw's Feather
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Southern Ground Hornbill
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Victoria-Crowned Pigeon
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Victoria-Crowned Pigeon Close-up
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: predicting the unpredictable
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: there is light behind the shadows
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: multitude of feelings
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Have a nice weekend :)
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: No matter how much love we give, sometimes we have to save a little for ourselves.
tropicaLiving - Jessy Eykendorp: Peace and beauty surround us...we have only to notice...and appreciate~!