Tropical Birding Tours: Groundscraper Thrushes are handsome woodland birds (Iain Campbell)
Tropical Birding Tours: Hartlaub's Francolin, a rare near-endemic that we usually manage to photograph well (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: If we are lucky, we may track down a scavenging Honey Badger around one of the Etosha camps (Iain Campbell)
Tropical Birding Tours: Thousands of Red-billed Quelea visit Etosha's waterholes along with Impala (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Khama or red hartebeest. Why the long faces? (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: A lion drags a springbok to feed her cubs (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Magnificent male lion with blood-stained beard (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Luck, patience, and field-craft come together for the moment of a lion making a kill (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Some of the lizards in the rocky areas of Erongo are strikingly sexually dimorphic (Iain Campbell)
Tropical Birding Tours: Leisurely boat cruises in the Okavango Delta are likely to produce crisp shots of Malachite Kingfishers (Iain Campbell)
Tropical Birding Tours: Namaqua Sandgrouse. Is it drinking or contemplating its appearance? (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Northern Black Korhaan in the Namib (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Ostrich in the endless aridity of the Namib (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Desert landscape near Spitzkoppe (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: A Pririt Batis on a nest makes a great photo op (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Red-billed Queleas in massed flight (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Rockrunner is a beautiful songster of hard places (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Priceless (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: The intricately patterned Sociable Weaver builds huge communal nests (Iain Campbell)
Tropical Birding Tours: The red dunes and pure blue skies of Sossusvlei are powerfully photogenic (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Southern oryx and the perfection of Fischer's Pan (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill against the muted colors of a dry season landscape (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Springbok (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Steinbok cranes its neck to eat tasty Acacia flowers (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: A migrant Steppe Eagle chases a resident Tawny Eagle (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Waterholes are great for photography. Here Violet-eared Waxbills and Scaly-feathered Finches (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Violet Wood-hoopoes near Erongo (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: Near-endemic White-tailed Shrike (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: The "terrain" of the African Elephant (Ken Behrens)
Tropical Birding Tours: A herd of elephants drinks at an Etosha waterhole at dusk (Ken Behrens)