Troops: Kauai evening
Troops: Bonding through mutual laziness.
Troops: Happy
Troops: Shy Flower
Troops: 2 Leslies and Christopher
Troops: Parker-Hickman Farmstead
Troops: Looking up the foul pole
Troops: Art Overbearing
Troops: Wallie
Troops: Yellow and Blue
Troops: DSCF4805
Troops: Sun and the Bay
Troops: Structure Anthony Wayne
Troops: Hand of Stone
Troops: Reaching out of the water
Troops: Yellow
Troops: DSCF6662
Troops: Wildflowers of the Enchantments
Troops: DSCF4499
Troops: High Contrast Crane
Troops: Day 11: Where to sit?
Troops: Toledo Riverfront
Troops: Head Shoulder Beak and Toes
Troops: Well above Colchuck Lake
Troops: Christopher can't wrap his head around how huge this potato is. Because it's the size of his head!
Troops: Ridin the Rails
Troops: Rusty Nails
Troops: Grass and Light
Troops: Making Headlines
Troops: Salk Courtyard