Troops: Chasing the sun
Troops: En route
Troops: High
Troops: Kau ai day one
Troops: Kauai
Troops: Kauai
Troops: Ch ristopher and three Kauai sunrise
Troops: Kauai
Troops: Morning
Troops: Kauai morning
Troops: Ksuai
Troops: Kauai
Troops: Kauai
Troops: Day 1
Troops: Kauai sunrise1
Troops: Kauai Sunrise2
Troops: Kauai Sunrise3
Troops: Kauai sunrise
Troops: Sunrise
Troops: Christopher & the Hawaiian Sunrise
Troops: Old Man and the Sea
Troops: Sunrise Beach
Troops: Watching the Ocean
Troops: Dark Beach
Troops: Looking South to Lihue
Troops: Happy to be in Kauai
Troops: Wave Action
Troops: Standing in the Ocean
Troops: Clouds and Sea