Troops: Rosenblatt
Troops: The tree owes the fence an apology
Troops: 408
Troops: Kylie playing the light piano
Troops: Split
Troops: Koen playing
Troops: We have a limb down
Troops: Distant Thunderstorm
Troops: Kade the Fireman
Troops: Green
Troops: Checking out the tree
Troops: Finished
Troops: FRIES!
Troops: Playing around
Troops: Inside Rosenblatt
Troops: Seneca Pool
Troops: Levitation, Holmes!
Troops: Stadium
Troops: Koen Exploring
Troops: Stadium on the hill
Troops: Assessing the damage
Troops: Two Batters
Troops: Pair of Boats
Troops: Billowing
Troops: Kade and puppies
Troops: Seneca Aquatic Center
Troops: Broken Limb
Troops: College World Series
Troops: Playtime
Troops: Riding with Kade