Troops: And we're off!
Troops: The Trail
Troops: Above the stream
Troops: A bit of a clearing along the trail to Colchuck Lake
Troops: Screaming Rock
Troops: The group is on its way
Troops: Taking a quick breather, getting my picture taken
Troops: Sean crosses Mountaineer Creek
Troops: Mountain stream
Troops: Desaturated Mountain Stream
Troops: Cascades
Troops: Mountain Waterfall
Troops: Trying to get my Ansel Adams on.
Troops: Cloud shrouded mountain seen through the clearing
Troops: Thumbs up so far
Troops: Kerry and I taking a break
Troops: The Wendlandts
Troops: Lauren and Eric say "Hi" from Washington
Troops: The Cascade Mountains
Troops: Kerry makes the climb to Colchuck Lake
Troops: In the mountains
Troops: Taking a break, enjoying the view.
Troops: Great Vantage Point
Troops: Mountain and Valley
Troops: Looking back
Troops: Stretching and resting
Troops: Peak
Troops: Kerry continues to climb
Troops: You have arrived at Colchuck Lake
Troops: Above Colchuck Lake