trontnort: socksy
trontnort: weird rodeo ride thing
trontnort: just selling some pink stuff whatever
trontnort: cool tank
trontnort: lil cowgirl
trontnort: clay collins - bullfighter
trontnort: dramatic scene
trontnort: lights are going out now
trontnort: cow women
trontnort: just hanging out with some people who are taller than me
trontnort: good outfit
trontnort: friends in line
trontnort: walking bag of chips
trontnort: merch
trontnort: long line
trontnort: corral of fans
trontnort: waitin 4 the beebz or the gomez
trontnort: sea of tweens
trontnort: chillin
trontnort: cool tunes shirt
trontnort: justin bieber at the rodeo