MKC-T: Presents from Santa
MKC-T: More Potter stuff
MKC-T: Jen's new iPod
MKC-T: More Harry Potter lego sets!
MKC-T: Santa left a lot of presents at home, too
MKC-T: Yep, one of the first pics with my new Canon Rebel
MKC-T: Star Wars pj's
MKC-T: Kyra and Brody on Christmas morning
MKC-T: Kyra on Christmas morning
MKC-T: Bentley's first Christmas morning
MKC-T: Bentley on Christmas morning
MKC-T: Dad and Brody
MKC-T: Look at all that loot!
MKC-T: The three amigos
MKC-T: Swimming in presents
MKC-T: Bentley and her panda
MKC-T: Mom opens a present
MKC-T: Brian opens a present
MKC-T: More stuff for Brody!
MKC-T: Tara and Bentley
MKC-T: Go Hawks!
MKC-T: Peace!
MKC-T: Brody
MKC-T: Jen's new messenger bag
MKC-T: Brody gets a tool set
MKC-T: Kyra, Tara, and Bentley
MKC-T: Kyra and Bentley
MKC-T: Stealing Brody's toys
MKC-T: Designs that Kyra drew for Brody and Benley
MKC-T: Bentley