troellungen: A beautiful lie
troellungen: The nightmares wouldn't stop so you drink them to a haze
troellungen: You are nothing
troellungen: the sex and the drugs and the complications. Baby, did you forget to take your meds?
troellungen: Who matters and who doesn't? Who matters?
troellungen: you caught my shadow and I never recovered.
troellungen: Come away little light - show yourself so we might live
troellungen: lost your mind trying to get it back
troellungen: everybody lies
troellungen: I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
troellungen: for someone to feel my blood, my skin.
troellungen: so empty, so estranged..
troellungen: for when silence arrises
troellungen: . crossing boundaries on the outside outside constantly the outside
troellungen: her ways ..
troellungen: for you are never as weak as you allow yourself to be.
troellungen: in silence they conquered
troellungen: it arrives
troellungen: the void in between the walls
troellungen: at the end of the road solitude came home
troellungen: he wanted me to write
troellungen: we are everything, but never enough
troellungen: and you love the ugliness in my skin and steal what is left