anorakin: 1953 Leyland Prototype (HVS 474) 3500cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1949 Ford V8 Pilot (WSU 316) 3500cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1961 Ford Classic (YTH 260) 1300cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1994 Ford Crown Victoria (L328 AHS) 4600cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1954 Austin A40 (VSJ 663) 1200cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1971 Lightspeed Panels Magenta (NOP 57F) 1300cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1959 Standard Atlas (XRW 900) 950cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1948 Morris 8 (JYV 928) 900cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1955 Humber Pig (939 UXJ) 4200cc - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017
anorakin: 1921 Allchin Traction Engine (AY 9878) - Ashby Festival of Transport - Moira Furnace June 2017