Tristan C: 3.14159265358979323846 etc...
Tristan C: Meet the internets
Tristan C: Perspective..
Tristan C: Not gonna be so cute in the middle of the night..
Tristan C: Everything is bigger than me
Tristan C: sleepy beastie
Tristan C: Baby's first Lol
Tristan C: Sense of Scale
Tristan C: M is for Meep
Tristan C: Nom Nom
Tristan C: Pi about to Climb
Tristan C: Pi and TF
Tristan C: Placating the Beastie
Tristan C: Perilous
Tristan C: Hat/Cat
Tristan C: bashful bathing
Tristan C: This is why I get distracted...
Tristan C: Eat Mah Tail
Tristan C: She'll grow into it
Tristan C: Taller than I am (like so many things)
Tristan C: oh hai
Tristan C: Squirmer
Tristan C: Chillin'
Tristan C: Pi V Mouse
Tristan C: It's Pi Day, after all
Tristan C: Pi in the Pi Plate
Tristan C: Look-alikes?
Tristan C: Invasive cat