Tristan C: Panthera pardus
Tristan C: Panthera pardus
Tristan C: Pictures from a food market in Arusha, Tanzania
Tristan C: Arusha Market
Tristan C: Arusha Market
Tristan C: Arusha
Tristan C: Dot Com Cookies
Tristan C: Didn't.
Tristan C: Baobab
Tristan C: wheretf?
Tristan C: Acinonyx jubatus
Tristan C: Restraining the cow
Tristan C: Preparing to bleed the cow...
Tristan C: Bleeding the cow
Tristan C: Drinking blood
Tristan C: Thatching the roof
Tristan C: Everyone's a critic
Tristan C: Woman
Tristan C: Fixie?
Tristan C: Girl and Grandmother
Tristan C: Young girl laughs
Tristan C: Beginning to bead
Tristan C: Zoom