Tristabell: What a Face
Tristabell: 100_1100
Tristabell: A.j & Libby
Tristabell: but MOM...<---SHE made me do it!
Tristabell: Grounded a Turtle
Tristabell: Three stooges
Tristabell: 100_0260
Tristabell: Poser
Tristabell: Sweetie Pie!
Tristabell: My dirty face!
Tristabell: My dirty face!
Tristabell: Raging pups
Tristabell: Raging Pups!
Tristabell: I'm toooo sweet!
Tristabell: Miss Libby with a sneak peek of A.j
Tristabell: Statue
Tristabell: My bobo:(
Tristabell: It wasn't was--->HIM!
Tristabell: Me and my duckie
Tristabell: Fishin'
Tristabell: And she's OFF!
Tristabell: Bacon, bacon bacon!
Tristabell: FOOOOOOD!
Tristabell: Aware
Tristabell: Pretty girl
Tristabell: A.J and Libby's best friend Gracie
Tristabell: I'm Awake....I promise!!
Tristabell: Walk, run, chase time