Tris Enticknap: Scarface
Tris Enticknap: Kibogoyo
Tris Enticknap: Amani and the Jackal
Tris Enticknap: Milele and Mbili
Tris Enticknap: Milele and Mbili
Tris Enticknap: Milele and Mbili
Tris Enticknap: Kisaru and her six cubs
Tris Enticknap: Kisaru's family
Tris Enticknap: Two of Kisaru's six cubs
Tris Enticknap: Kisaru and four of her six cubs
Tris Enticknap: Coke's Hartebeest
Tris Enticknap: Steenbok (female)
Tris Enticknap: Bohor Reedbuck
Tris Enticknap: Common Eland (male)
Tris Enticknap: Common Eland (female)
Tris Enticknap: Newborn Thomson's Gazelle calf
Tris Enticknap: Newborn Topi calf
Tris Enticknap: Admiring the newborn Topi calf
Tris Enticknap: Topi and newborn calf
Tris Enticknap: Topi and newborn calf
Tris Enticknap: Zebra playtime
Tris Enticknap: Plains Zebra
Tris Enticknap: ‘Have you heard the one about.......?’
Tris Enticknap: Masai Giraffe