trishylicious: kant stand rules!
trishylicious: Not the pied piper...
trishylicious: The flute guy in action!
trishylicious: the flute guy #2
trishylicious: the flute guy
trishylicious: Tattoo Moms
trishylicious: Toothless George in slow mo
trishylicious: Suzy Hotrod's birthday
trishylicious: Velvet Nudie
trishylicious: Wall of Velvet Elvises
trishylicious: tattoo moms
trishylicious: upstairs at tattoo moms
trishylicious: blurry glow
trishylicious: the walls at tattoo moms
trishylicious: tattoo moms dreamscape
trishylicious: Zagar's garden
trishylicious: detail of Zagar's garden
trishylicious: Isaiah Zagar's sculpture garden
trishylicious: GrapeMan
trishylicious: thru the fence
trishylicious: ivy house
trishylicious: looking up...
trishylicious: overgrowth
trishylicious: yellow chair
trishylicious: field of dreams
trishylicious: 100_1888
trishylicious: green lot
trishylicious: ivy house