Trishrg: American Avocets synchronized preening-SJWS
Trishrg: American Avocets synchronized feeding-SJWS
Trishrg: Wilson's Phalarope-SJWS
Trishrg: Virginia Rail creeping-SJWS
Trishrg: Brown Pelican small morsel-SJWS
Trishrg: Osprey-SJWS
Trishrg: Belted Kingfisher-SJWS
Trishrg: Cassin's Kingbird all messed up and Maybe molting-SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's Grebe adult and juvenile-SJWS
Trishrg: Brown Pelican swallowing its catch-SJWS
Trishrg: Brown Pelican moment of impact-SJWS
Trishrg: Brown Pelican diving-SJWS
Trishrg: Nutmeg Mannikin-SJWS - Exotic species
Trishrg: Snowy Egret head shot-SJWS
Trishrg: Song Sparrow singing its song-SJWS
Trishrg: Song Sparrow-SJWS
Trishrg: Common Yellowthroat-SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's Grebes- SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's Grebes- SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's and 3 chicks-SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's Grebe feeding young-SJWS
Trishrg: Lizard-SJWS
Trishrg: Spotted Towhee-SJWS
Trishrg: Nuttall's Woodpecker-SJWS
Trishrg: American Kestrel Male with no bug-SJWS
Trishrg: Am Kestrel Male with bug--SJWS
Trishrg: Double-crested Cormorant-SJWS
Trishrg: Clark's Grebe-SJWS
Trishrg: White Pelicans and tag 4C--SJWS
Trishrg: Osprey--SJWS