trishanorton: Bananaquit.....Little San Salvador, Bahamas
trishanorton: Bahama Mockingbird....Little San Salvador, Bahamas
trishanorton: Thick-billed Vireo, Little San Salvador, Bahamas
trishanorton: Thick-billed Vireo.....Little San Salvador Island, Bahamas
trishanorton: Bananaquit Juvenile.....Little San Salvador, Bahamas
trishanorton: Peregrine Falcon at Sea
trishanorton: Bahamas Lizard
trishanorton: Common Ground Dove....Bahamas Cruise, Half Moon Cay
trishanorton: At Anchor off Half Moon Cay
trishanorton: Time to Rock and Roll Cruise again.....
trishanorton: A Lot Going On.....