Pawsome33: Harley yawn
Pawsome33: Buster yawn
Pawsome33: I think I see something at the bottom
Pawsome33: Four off the floor
Pawsome33: Harley cleans plate
Pawsome33: Buster enjoys bone
Pawsome33: Chasing Nate
Pawsome33: Arooooo
Pawsome33: Buster watching
Pawsome33: Let's dance
Pawsome33: Evening at the dog park
Pawsome33: Harley resting
Pawsome33: Buster staying in shade
Pawsome33: Kiss?
Pawsome33: The chase
Pawsome33: All smiles
Pawsome33: Dude with a 'tide
Pawsome33: Buster pause
Pawsome33: Lets go!
Pawsome33: Buster at dog park
Pawsome33: No, I don't want to play
Pawsome33: Harley smiles
Pawsome33: Buster yawns
Pawsome33: Boyz, come!
Pawsome33: Happy Canada Day!
Pawsome33: Happy Canada Day from Buster
Pawsome33: Happy Canada Day from Harley
Pawsome33: Boyz in the dog house
Pawsome33: The boyz on the table
Pawsome33: Hello baby!