Trisha G.: When cousins are two of a kind.
Trisha G.: He only wanted to sleep in the basement that night.
Trisha G.: Exactly.
Trisha G.: Because I can be moody and enigmatic.
Trisha G.: We're still in our Honeymoon Phase.
Trisha G.: Gasp.
Trisha G.: if you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted--in one moment, would you capture it, or just let it slip?
Trisha G.: 4631 Let the sunshine in.
Trisha G.: I have the giantest forehead.
Trisha G.: All is nothing, therefore nothing must end.
Trisha G.: I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock.
Trisha G.: Annubber houuuse.
Trisha G.: 27. One man's abandoned bascart is another woman's 365.
Trisha G.: Body.And.Soul.
Trisha G.: Easily distracted in the Damn Hell public library bathroom.
Trisha G.: Love. On Day 25. And every day.
Trisha G.: Waltz me once again.
Trisha G.: I am going to wait here, half-naked and grainy and in b+w until someone asks me out on a date.
Trisha G.: FUTAB! Now with Rusty Goodness.
Trisha G.: How we roll. Day 19.
Trisha G.: Elevatoring.
Trisha G.: Really board today.
Trisha G.: Damn Hell Fort Hamilton Memorial Hospital Bathroom.
Trisha G.: Baked Lays! Diet Cherry Cola! Blech.
Trisha G.: You don't know the greatness you are.
Trisha G.: Waiting room.