Trisha G.: Everything under the stars is in your arms.
Trisha G.: If I love you with all my heart, I said, what will you give me? & then I stopped & said he didn't have to answer that because I was going to do it anyway.
Trisha G.: the future was made new & whole for us all.
Trisha G.: But now I know for sure that I am.
Trisha G.: Not something you'd expect to see in a cornfield.
Trisha G.: Tractor!
Trisha G.: Photo of a disposable camera photo of a barn, while driving by in a bus.
Trisha G.: Nestled.
Trisha G.: Field.
Trisha G.: The why.
Trisha G.: And.
Trisha G.: Farmland like a tapestry, passed down through generations.
Trisha G.: Sturdy.
Trisha G.: The humble common ground.
Trisha G.: I've seen all I want to see.
Trisha G.: AFB!
Trisha G.: He has a lot on his mind.
Trisha G.: Another fucking barn.
Trisha G.: The secret cemetary road.
Trisha G.: Apparently untitled.
Trisha G.: I am in love.
Trisha G.: They're all uptight.
Trisha G.: Of course.
Trisha G.: I want to stand and stare again.
Trisha G.: Drive-by Barnage.
Trisha G.: I like farms.
Trisha G.: Yeah, another barn. But, I think that is manure. Does that help?