Trisha G.: Lights. Or maybe mice.
Trisha G.: Night factory.
Trisha G.: Backyard Majesty.
Trisha G.: As I was driving away, I totally busted this guy on my turf. So I kicked his ass.
Trisha G.: NO doing fun stuff.
Trisha G.: Winter in Ohio.
Trisha G.: Wires.
Trisha G.: I am pretty sure it doesn't work.
Trisha G.: Title change because you people are lewd and weird.
Trisha G.: Day 69: Look! I am a tree.
Trisha G.: Reflections.
Trisha G.: There's nothing wrong with helping people all the time, she told me, as long as you throw regular orgasms in there to help you keep perspective.
Trisha G.: She turned to me & whispered, don't you just love it when you get so excited you forget to breathe? & the thought of her smiling eyes still makes me laugh.
Trisha G.: I'm building a house where the weak are strong.
Trisha G.: spelled out on a double word and triple letter score.
Trisha G.: Can I count on you to be there, no matter what? she said & I said no & she said what kind of friend are you? & I said the kind who won't lie to you any time you want & I think she kept me around as a curiosity after that.
Trisha G.: What are the rules? I said & she said, Do exactly what I want whenever I want, make no demands of me whatsoever & love me forever, no questions asked & I said, how do you win?
Trisha G.: Your ad here.
Trisha G.: Snowjo.
Trisha G.: it's going too fast to see but if you could see it, it wouldn't make any sense because you'd be looking too close.
Trisha G.: I like my phone.