Trisha G.: These geese seriously scared the crap out of me. And it's not like they are stealthy birds, what with all that honking.
Trisha G.: I am a bird.
Trisha G.: Consolation bird.
Trisha G.: Another Sparrow. Or, maybe it's the same one. I have no idea.
Trisha G.: Extra Fast Heron.
Trisha G.: Hey.
Trisha G.: Crazy, drunk bird.
Trisha G.: coo.
Trisha G.: Hawk. Through the window.
Trisha G.: Birds and junk.
Trisha G.: In the.
Trisha G.: Peacock, retro.
Trisha G.: In her dream, she said, she was a bird who fell asleep & dreamed she was a man who wore bright colors & treated women poorly & she asked all the other birds what it could mean
Trisha G.: Today all I could remember was the way your body held the ocean of my self & for a moment there was only one us in all creation.
Trisha G.: She kept asking if the stories were true. I kept asking her if it mattered. We finally gave up. She was looking for a place to stand & I wanted a place to fly.
Trisha G.: up & up you go, for to steal the secrets of the heavens.