TeeRish: exhaustion (day 275 alt)
TeeRish: a musical moment (day 278 | year 2.5)
TeeRish: family portrait
TeeRish: some days I wonder how my kids will turn out, but most of the time I'm just figuring out how to survive them right now. (day 294 | year 2.5)
TeeRish: survival alt
TeeRish: a bokeh accident
TeeRish: smiles!
TeeRish: foot to the head
TeeRish: some days it's not worth the effort to pull myself together, she said, so i'm glad i get cable (day 331 | year 2.5)
TeeRish: i spent my birthday with this little girl
TeeRish: punk rock (day 345 | year 2.5)
TeeRish: knucklehead
TeeRish: eye.
TeeRish: tiny bear
TeeRish: happy 6 month birthday, punkin.
TeeRish: inside our portrait studio
TeeRish: scribblenawesome
TeeRish: pumpkin patch
TeeRish: Crystal's wedding (70 of 224)
TeeRish: rock band family
TeeRish: family photo (3)
TeeRish: us with tom and galina's family (3)
TeeRish: toothbrushing fun begins (1)
TeeRish: me and fin playing (2)
TeeRish: in mama's hat (1)
TeeRish: that blurry bit is her foot kicking my face repeatedly