Momba (Trish):
Cardinal Wings
Momba (Trish):
Snack Time
Momba (Trish):
Fly Away! -- Tufted Titmouse
Momba (Trish):
Decisions -- Blue Jay
Momba (Trish):
How Many Peanuts Can One Blue Jay Carry??
Momba (Trish):
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- Come a Little Closer
Momba (Trish):
Northern Cardinal
Momba (Trish):
Snow Cardinal
Momba (Trish):
Color in the Tree
Momba (Trish):
Momba (Trish):
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Momba (Trish):
Blue Jay
Momba (Trish):
Tiny Wings
Momba (Trish):
Hiding in the Tree
Momba (Trish):
With His Eye on the Sky
Momba (Trish):
A Female American Goldfinch
Momba (Trish):
Northern Cardinal
Momba (Trish):
Lunch Time!!
Momba (Trish):
Bluebird Wings
Momba (Trish):
Barn Swallows
Momba (Trish):
Barn Swallows
Momba (Trish):
Barn Swallows -- An Aerial Feat!
Momba (Trish):
Barn Swallow Fledgling
Momba (Trish):
*Tennessee* Tree Swallow on Fence
Momba (Trish):
Tree Swallow
Momba (Trish):
On the Fence
Momba (Trish):
A Pea-NUTTY Jay!
Momba (Trish):
Carolina Chickadee
Momba (Trish):
Blue Jay
Momba (Trish):
Northern Cardinal