retiredPhil: Drying Out
retiredPhil: Battered Wing
retiredPhil: Orange and Green
retiredPhil: Missing Segment
retiredPhil: Playing Cricket in Texas
retiredPhil: Reflection 01
retiredPhil: Tiger Swallowtail 01
retiredPhil: Tiger Swallowtail female 01
retiredPhil: Tree Stones
retiredPhil: Looking At the Sun
retiredPhil: Summer's Almost Gone
retiredPhil: 1 of 6
retiredPhil: Fluffy Black
retiredPhil: Bark 01
retiredPhil: Winter Forage
retiredPhil: North Texas Snow Berries (Snobes Notas)
retiredPhil: Kitchen Window Ice
retiredPhil: Snow's Gone, Spring's Coming
retiredPhil: Freezing Rain
retiredPhil: Second Snow
retiredPhil: We Have Two Reasons to Believe in Spring
retiredPhil: Unknown Yellow Flower
retiredPhil: Garbage Fly
retiredPhil: Death of a Friend
retiredPhil: Chubby
retiredPhil: Who You Callin' Horse Face?
retiredPhil: Ready for Takeoff