Tripping Along: Pastries
Tripping Along: Hams and cheeses
Tripping Along: The Duomo (cathedral)
Tripping Along: Inside the Duomo
Tripping Along: Massive columns
Tripping Along: At the base of a pillar
Tripping Along: Statues on the pillars
Tripping Along: The Altar
Tripping Along: Around the altar
Tripping Along: Statues and stained glass
Tripping Along: Stained glass windows
Tripping Along: Marble floor
Tripping Along: Benches for congregants
Tripping Along: Duomo details
Tripping Along: Duomo wall details
Tripping Along: Duomo wall details
Tripping Along: Advertising on the Duomo
Tripping Along: Structural components outside
Tripping Along: Outside statues
Tripping Along: View from the roof of the Duomo
Tripping Along: Sculptures on the Duomo
Tripping Along: View from the Duomo roof
Tripping Along: The Galleria
Tripping Along: Glass dome of the Galleria
Tripping Along: Sidewalk cafe in the Galleria
Tripping Along: La Scala Opera House
Tripping Along: Boxes at La Scala
Tripping Along: Boxes at La Scala
Tripping Along: Chandelier at La Scala