tripline: Waiting at the train station
tripline: The train in LA beats driving
tripline: BRAKES!!
tripline: Train: comin' at ya
tripline: Station Platform
tripline: The center 1
tripline: LA Convention Center
tripline: Expo Center Ceiling
tripline: E3 Entrance
tripline: At the gates
tripline: E3 Floor 1
tripline: Stargate Booth
tripline: Stargate Booth 2
tripline: Ahhhh... booth babes 2
tripline: Ahhhh... booth babes
tripline: NVIDIA Presentation
tripline: Sold out square
tripline: Why did they do this to Sonic?
tripline: Hellgate London = RAAR
tripline: Hellgate London = RAAR again
tripline: Hellgate London = RAAR still
tripline: Give us the swag or we riot!
tripline: Auto Assault Fire Dancers 4
tripline: Auto Assault Fire Dancers 1
tripline: Auto Assault Fire Dancers 5
tripline: Auto Assault Fire Dancers 2
tripline: Auto Assault Fire Dancers 3
tripline: Mr. Man Approves
tripline: Mr. Man
tripline: Who let these guys in again??