Triotex: Sybille Bammer on the Center Court
Triotex: Full arena while Sybille Bammer played
Triotex: Waiting for the players
Triotex: Great timing
Triotex: Nice backhand volley
Triotex: Forehand volley
Triotex: Smash
Triotex: Bammer warming up
Triotex: Nadja Petrowa, Top-10 WTA player
Triotex: Austria's number one
Triotex: Look at the professional photographers
Triotex: Giving autographs to her fans
Triotex: ORF's reporter doing an interview with Bammer
Triotex: ORF's reporter watching Daniela Hantuchova
Triotex: Klara Kaukalova
Triotex: Dave watching Hantuchova
Triotex: Daniela Hantuchova
Triotex: Next year I might be there as line umpire
Triotex: Coaches always look at their players
Triotex: Sweet Klara
Triotex: TV-man
Triotex: Daniela sitting at the side
Triotex: Sponsored by Nike
Triotex: Preparing for the serve
Triotex: Out
Triotex: Nice back
Triotex: Everyone is watching Daniela
Triotex: Danielas's brother with his "lecture"
Triotex: Daniela warming up
Triotex: Elena Vesnina vs. Tamira Paszek