drcope: Mutants affected by the high chlorine content in the local water? Evidence of a sadistic underground torture culture? Nah, just a fruit sculptor with mad skills and time on his hands. ;-)
drcope: lasvegas2011-20
drcope: Andy Whittle, AN UK, (back to camera), introduces the Dutch AN distrib. contingent.
drcope: Vegas110105-3
drcope: They have some odd ideas about collectibles in the Netherlands, it seems.
drcope: Mike & Neli, US AN distrib Audio Federation, arrive for the first night Audio Note dinner.
drcope: Ahh, the Peppermill. Gaudy neon, portions with their own zip codes ... It's Vegas, baby!
drcope: Garish? Pshaw! This is just inside the front door of a restaurant, mind you. . . ;-p
drcope: Clockwise, Andy Whittle (AN UK), three Dutch lads whose names I didn't properly catch (or remember at any rate), except Wilco, top right, Martin Grennall (AN UK).
drcope: Cheers!
drcope: Vegas110105-10
drcope: Yeah, fuzzy as hell, but captures the Vegas gestalt . . .
drcope: Ah, Blue Moon beer on a blue table in a restaurant whose lighting leans toward blue. Somebody cue Elvis.
drcope: Martin Grennall, the irrepressible side of AN show demo guys. Don't drink it all, Martin, the Olympic swim team has reserved that drink glass for practice later!
drcope: Vegas110105-14
drcope: A serious moment? Nah, it's just frickin' loud in here and no one can hear properly.
drcope: Told you Martin was irrepressible! Here he speculates on how curly fries make more curly fries . . .
drcope: Yes, the sugar is technicolor and comes with a pouring spout the size of an NYC bus exhaust.
drcope: What is a Checker cab doing in Paris? Oh, we're still in Vegas? (I've heard Americans postulate that if you've been to the Paris and Bellagio hotels, you really don't need to travel to Europe. Make me proud . . . not to be that bloody stupid.
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drcope: lasvegas2011-57
drcope: The Audio Note room: E/SEC Signature speakers, new TT Two Deluxe with new Arm II Mk II, iQ3, M3 RIAA, Fifth Force power supply , Ongaku, CDT Five, Fifth Element DAC. In nice round numbers, a $450,000 system.
drcope: lasvegas2011-58
drcope: lasvegas2011-59
drcope: Directly across the hall, an ersatz bridal party promotes the March Montreal show in a perfectly normal demo room swimming in green dots projected from the 4 corners of the room. Nothing unusual here, move along people.