trininick: Marie-Michelle
trininick: Mark
trininick: Gerald at the "Kings Head"
trininick: Fresh out of bright ideas....,
trininick: Every line tells a story...
trininick: Smiley faces
trininick: Rastafari
trininick: Cool cat
trininick: I-man
trininick: fari...Edwin
trininick: Curtis.
trininick: Island girl
trininick: Happiness is .. a butterfly
trininick: People watching..
trininick: The cold shoulder..,
trininick: Catalonia hot spots.
trininick: Today I am going to be....
trininick: yum yum
trininick: Lollipop pals..
trininick: When Jimi sang the blues...(he`d blow your mind.)
trininick: Looking towards Zion...
trininick: Deuce
trininick: West Indian beauty.
trininick: The young bride
trininick: Dance of the rainbow
trininick: Within the shadows
trininick: white light on marble
trininick: Rowan and Lesley.
trininick: Italian portrait
trininick: The 1000 yard stare..,