Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #01
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #03
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #04
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #05
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #07
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #13
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #15
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #17
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #18
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #19
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #20
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #21
Tri's Photos: Tri_July 21_PhuMyHung St. #26
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#20
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#13
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#11
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#09
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#05
Tri's Photos: Tri_June 23 2007#03
Tri's Photos: at work
Tri's Photos: at my work
Tri's Photos: On the way to the mountain, Tay Ninh
Tri's Photos: the view from the Ba` mountain, Tay Ninh
Tri's Photos: A statue of Buddha lying down on the top of the mountain, Tay Ninh
Tri's Photos: Vung Tau with bananas
Tri's Photos: Vung Tau beach
Tri's Photos: Leper Center in Quy Nhon_Aug 17,2008