trina1975: Interesting church doors
trina1975: Palentine tree
trina1975: Interesting church doors
trina1975: Interesting church doors
trina1975: Interesting church doors
trina1975: Statue in front of Castle
trina1975: flowers
trina1975: more flowers
trina1975: fancy
trina1975: IMG_2617
trina1975: IMG_2629
trina1975: Sculpted sphere in the courtyard of the Vatican Museum
trina1975: Sculpted sphere in the courtyard of the Vatican Museum
trina1975: colomns at Vatican City
trina1975: Roman kitty!
trina1975: Cover from the rain
trina1975: Real warriors don't need clothes.
trina1975: Hear me roar
trina1975: Colosseum in Rome
trina1975: Not a statue
trina1975: Roman art
trina1975: Temple of Vesta
trina1975: Guess what this is!?
trina1975: the proof ( see previous photo )