trillich: Go Fly a Kite
trillich: Gi-frickin-normous clydesdale
trillich: Big mammals, little mammals
trillich: Applied Math
trillich: Faith and the iPad at the Apple store
trillich: Intrepid explorers
trillich: Melissa rounds the turn, followed by Faith
trillich: Faith and Melissa, old hands at bike riding
trillich: First day on a two-wheeler!
trillich: Overnighting in a tent (outside!) with the munchkin
trillich: Faith and fun vs. Kayla and fear
trillich: The insane puke-o-rama for the disturbed
trillich: Swing-o-rama, try not to get dizzy!
trillich: Relative motion and the "iPhone distort" effect
trillich: Riding the tempest!
trillich: Melissa's Mud Pool, reverse
trillich: Melissa's Mud Pool obverse
trillich: Melissa's rendition of "Miss Faith Prepares her Mud-Bath Spa" continues
trillich: Melissa's rendition of "Miss Faith Prepares her Mud-Bath Spa"
trillich: Melissa's rendition of "Mud Bath for Stacy" continued
trillich: Melissa's rendition of "Mud Bath for Stacy"
trillich: Lessons Learned... by Willing Participants
trillich: faith-jacobs-ladder
trillich: Mud bath for Stacy
trillich: Exfoliated
trillich: She runs the local spa (with a muddy fist)
trillich: Sheryl removes a layer of mud
trillich: Stake some of the tomatoes (wire-cage the rest)
trillich: Don caresses the tomato plants
trillich: Hoe hoe hoe the potatoes