trillich: Not just boats -- trains, too!
trillich: Reeeeeaally high tide
trillich: Tuck's Point park in Manchester
trillich: Motoring into Manchester harbor
trillich: Comfy little bungalows
trillich: Palatial Manors galore
trillich: Long Rocky Beaches
trillich: Nice sandy beach
trillich: Dinky houses on the shore
trillich: Moored off Endicott
trillich: Motoring both boats out to the mooring
trillich: Tuck's Point at Manchester Harbor
trillich: Paul takes the dinghy to the Fishing Boat
trillich: Jib is ready, Main is ready...
trillich: Loooooow tide (after the July 22 eclipse)
trillich: Our sailing beauty
trillich: Paul's street in Manchester
trillich: Manchester MA