trillich: Buca Di Beppo, Downtown Indianapolis
trillich: Buca di Beppo, Indy
trillich: Sam Bradley Toasts his Little Brother
trillich: Ben Charges Toll
trillich: Dennis and David Brandt
trillich: The Auntery
trillich: At North Westwood Park
trillich: Anna and Alyssa at North Westwood Park
trillich: Scott tries his hand at the sit-spin-gizmo
trillich: Anna working on figuring out the spin-climb-sit-thingie
trillich: Alyssa Climbing at North Westway Park
trillich: Look, a bug! Look, a stick! Look, a seed! Look...!
trillich: Mother nature does her thing
trillich: Nature walk for the kids
trillich: A walk in the tall grass
trillich: Anna watching Faith entertain Thea
trillich: Ben, Carolyn, Barb at "le peeps"
trillich: Lunch with Sean, Jay, Laura
trillich: Illogical, captain
trillich: The Hoekstra mobile
trillich: Northwood Christian Church, Indianapolis Indiana
trillich: the boys
trillich: The girls
trillich: Jess comes down the aisle
trillich: Jess and Steve -- Hitched!
trillich: Three gallons per mile or so
trillich: Faith photographing the photograper
trillich: Climbing the pews
trillich: A three-seater
trillich: Wedding party introductions (stairs to the rear) and the young-uns eyeing the cake